Friday, September 28, 2007

Second words!

It's official....Eliott's second word is officially Dale. Yes, you read that right, he says DADA and Dale. Oh my, my feelings are so hurt that his second word isn't momma but I totally understand since we say Dale all the time and Denzil or Dale don't call me momma so why would he say something he nevers hears.
Dale's doing really good at his job. He's been there going on 3 weeks now and really likes it. He bought an 1988 Chevy S10 on Thursday also. It's pretty much all in pieces, doesn't run and needs a whole bunch of work but he thinks he can get it running in a week to 2 weeks. It's cool though to be able to watch him work on it and bring it from nothing to something. The main reason he wanted it soooo much is because it has air bags on it. I know I don't understand it either but he's really into to that kind of stuff.
Eliott has been doing pretty good at mom's day out, which I'm very thankful for!! I've been just running around though when they are both at school and I think this Thursday I'm going to just relax!
Well gotta go do the dishes before I go read some of my bible study book-

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