Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Wow-I will be 22 weeks tomorrow and today is the first time that I've actually felt with my hand on the outside of my belly the baby kicking. It's the most awesome feeling in the world and that's one of the things I absolutely love about being pregnant! Denzil and I were laying in bed this morning feeling him kick and it was soooo cool! It's a relief too because the first 21 weeks when you don't feel him you just wonder if he's okay because you pretty much don't know what's going on in there. But now every couple hours I feel him doing flips and kicking everywhere. I have another doctors appt tomorrow so we'll get to see him again too. Hopefully I don't have to get my blood taken again-YUCK!
Today was the 3rd week of ballet and Phoebe still sat there the whole class and did nothing. So at the end I told her that she couldn't have any candy from the teacher since she didn't dance. Of course this was not okay with her and she started whining that she didn't want to leave because she wanted "candy". So we walked over to the teacher and Ms. Casey told her that if she did a couple ballet moves for her right then and dance next time, she'd give her a piece of candy. So it took a few "come on Phoebe, you do them at home all the time" to get her to do a couple moves but she finally did them and then got her candy. So I've really got to be talking about it every day this next week that she's going to dance otherwise no candy and I think she'll do okay. And I'm not going to sit at the back of the classroom like all the other mom's, I guess I stand up with her on her sticker, as much as I don't want to but I think that will help her.
I went to my chiropractor last Thursday and he adjusted me and then adjusted my neck too and WOW that was amazing!! My back pain is gone and has been since then and I didn't know I could move my neck this far. At the time he did my neck it felt like and sounded like he broke my neck but it feels amazing now!
Well it's getting late and I need to go to bed-

1 comment:

Connie said...

That is the best feeling in the world. Strangely...I miss it. Enjoy every moment!